Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Catching Up

So wow, it's been far too long since I have blogged here. The main reason for that is when blogger switched over to google accounts. Just yesterday after several attempts and letters was I able to regain control of this blog. It was important to me to get this blog back as it is the one where I can let everything out and at the same time provide resources to any readers for Bipolar Disorder.
I am going to attempt to keep this blog up to date now. I'm writing from email to see if this works. I certainly hope that it does because that will make it so much easier for me to blog and stay up to date.
My granddaughter was born last Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2006. I haven't seen her and know nothing about her due to the mother and her family. My son is having a paternity test ordered that will force Melissa to bring in the baby for testing. Then we will get visitation rights and all of that. I called the hospital while she was in there but her mother answered the phone and promptly hung up on me. I expected as much.
Not being able to see her (Angel, my granddaughter) is tearing me apart. I'm grieving for her and I'm angry with that family, enraged would probably be a better word for what I feel towards Melissa and her family. I'm worried sick about the baby because I know what kind of condition their home is in and the fact that they got a 30 day eviction notice. They're using that baby as a meal ticket to not get thrown out because it's winter, to not get utilities turned off because it's winter and anything and everything else they can manage to soak out of the government and the churches since she had the baby and brought her home.
We've called child protection services on them, did that while they were still in the hospital and have also contacted legal aid here in Indiana plus the prosecutor's office and the Family Support office. We are doing all that we can to get visitation rights to start with and we *ARE* going for sole custody. With how Melissa acted during the pregnancy (taking drugs, smoking pot and tobacco, running around, refusing to eat the high calorie diet the doctor ordered and so much more) I honestly don't think it's going to be that hard to win sole custody. Right now, I would rather have the baby in a foster home then at their place with the iguana shitting everywhere because they let it run loose and the indoor/outdoor cats coming and going at will and getting up on the stove, the counter tops, the kitchen table and everywhere else they want. It's just not a healthy or safe environment for Angel. Not to mention Melissa's state certified (with papers stating so) psychotic father who is prone to very, very violent outbursts which has left members of that family physically hurt. He told all of us when we told them Melissa was pregnant that he didn't want the baby in his home. Now he is doing it for a free ticket to not get evicted, not get the utilities turned off, etc. plus out of spite for us. He is literally deranged in all senses of the word. I literally fear for the baby's well being - I fear for her very life!!!!!
And seriously, I'm not just saying these things about that family because I'm pissed off at them. What I am saying is the truth. I really wish it wasn't, but it is unfortunately.
I don't like the idea of taking a baby, even my granddaughter, away from her mother, but Melissa could care less about this child. She's 17 years old and is more interested in running around with every Tom, Dick, and Harry she meets. She did that throughout her pregnancy as well. The people that live around them and seen her on a daily basis told me that she looked like a corpse with a lump under her shirt just before having the baby. She was supposed to gain at least 30 pounds for the sake of the baby. She just absolutely refused. She gained all of 10 pounds!!! She even refused to wear maternity clothes. She wore her size ZERO jeans for the entire pregnancy and when she got a little pudgy in her stomach area she put rubber bands on the buttons of her jeans to hold them together so she could still wear them.
I bought this girl nice maternity clothing. Her father flat out refused to take her to any of her doctor appointments so I was taking her to all of those as well. I was even buying this girl food because her dad controlled what she got on her WIC vouchers and got the things HE wanted and would not get the things she wanted. He refused to get her any food that she wanted and so she didn't eat unless she ate at my house. I always fix large suppers that cover all the food groups with plenty of the vitamins and nutrients that are needed. I serve healthy food that tastes good. She loved my cooking and she was at my house almost 24/7 until she realized that I was serious about the fact that nothing I bought for the baby would go to her house. It would be used by the baby while at my home. We have told the boys this a million times and we told her that as soon as she even suspected that she was pregnant. I guess she thought I would give in, I don't know.
She just popped one night and told my son (father of the baby) that I said I was going to take the baby away from her. I never, ever said those words. What happened was that she overheard my session with my tdoc where I had said that I would, more then likely, be the one to take care of my granddaughter 99% of the time, which I wouldn't mind doing at all. When she come off with that, I called my tdoc and told her what had happened and told her the only way she could have heard anything possibly remote to that was while I was in session with her because when I come out Melissa was sitting in a chair along the wall that separates the waiting room from my tdoc's office and Dana (my son) was sitting across from her. I had no idea that they had even came into the waiting room until I left my session. I was shocked when I walked out and they were sitting in there. I knew immediately that she had heard what I had said.
Okay, time to hit send and see if this feature works on my blog. I hope it does. More later.

1 comment:

wolflady48884 said...

If you think calling CPS will get you that child you had better think again. This child is prime meat to CPS. You have not a clue of what you are doing. Grandparents have no rights. The Supreme court decided that a long time ago. If CPS takes that baby that is the last time you will see it. It will be adopted out to strangers. I am a children and Family Advocate from MI and know what I am talking about lady. Indiana CPS foster care system is the pits.