Monday, September 11, 2006

Patriot Day - We shall never forget!

September 11, 2001. It changed every American in the world.

News of the terroist attacks circled the globe like wild fire. We mourned as one global nation. There were no country lines drawn that day, they'd all been erased.

I still get cold chills and even feel the horror of it all when the memory of watching the second plane fly into the other tower comes to the forefront of my mind.

My husband had just came home from working third shift and we sat, in stunned silence, while we watched the tragedy unfold itself in front of us like a living nightmare.

We were America! This wasn't supposed to happen here! This has to be a mistake! These types of things happened in other places in the world, not here.

Wake up America. We are not immune to terroists like we previously thought. We used to walk around, taking our safety for granted.

Do you look at strangers with more suspision now? Especially those of the Muslim faith? Those that dress differently due to their own cultures?

Are you scared of planes now?

I was scared of planes in the first place, but not when they were flying over my head. Now I'm scared when one just flies overhead. Not as much now as I was when it first happened, but still, my heart beats a little faster when I spot one flying around. Even a little personal plane will pump my paranoia up a notch.

"It can't happen here," is NOT in my vocabulary any longer. How about your's?


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